That's right, Summer, this video, replete with creepy voice over, wants to get the word out on autism, but like many things targeting interested parties, this isn't about the autistic people. No, indeed, Summer, it's about everyone else who has to deal with autistic people:
"Understanding the Humanity of Autism”, illustrates the journey real parents, families, professionals, paraprofessionals and other caregivers take as they develop constructive and effective relationship skills supportive of people with autism.
First, I'd like to point out to our viewers that the journey is primarily about the individual who has autism. Second, if you really need a video to explain to you that autistics are human beings, too, this video probably isn't going to do that for you. It might, though. Both Summer and I weren't willing to fork over forty bucks and sit through the whole thing.
The trailer is provided below:
Summer, if any of our viewers have sat through this video, perhaps they'll care to tell us, does this rise to the level of douchetopia? I know our vote on this one.
Until tomorrow's latest Douche-Update, this is Summer and Eve wishing you all a douche-free evening.
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